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Senior FarmShare

A Good Idea


The Senior FarmShare program provides low-income seniors access to fresh vegetables and fruit during the growing season. The program allows seniors to become shareholders at local farms and receive free weekly shares of produce, either through deliveries at local senior centers or on-farm. The program builds connections between farmers, seniors, and the community organizations that distribute the produce. Senior FarmShare offers farmers a reliable source of income, and gives food assistance to a vulnerable population. The program is supported through private donations and public funds.

Goal / Mission

The goal of the Senior FarmShare program is to provide local farms with income and low-income seniors with food assistance.

Results / Accomplishments

Since 2004, the Senior FarmShare program has distributed over 1,200 shares and local farmers have received more than $150,000 for their produce. In 2008, 344 seniors received $120 worth of vegetables from local farms over twelve weeks of the growing season. The vegetable shares were provided by 12 farms and distributed at 17 sites throughout Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden Counties. Eight distribution sites received fruit add-on shares, providing local fruit growers with nearly $3,000 in income. All senior participants were satisfied with their Senior FarmShare experience, and 87% reported that they ate more vegetables due to their involvement in the program.

About this Promising Practice

Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture
Primary Contact
Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture
One Sugarloaf Street
South Deerfield, MA 01373
(413) 665-7100
Health / Older Adults
Health / Physical Activity
Community / Community & Business Resources
Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture
Date of publication
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience
Older Adults